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Tiny Navajo Reads: Yumi and the Nightmare Painter

It’s Wednesday, and that means it’s time for another book review! This time we’re diving into another one of Brandon Sanderson’s Secret Project books, this one is probably my favourite of them all. Granted, I’ve only read 2 of them, but I’m working on it. And he’s come out with another one…does this man ever stop writing?! Granted, I’m not complaining, I love his writing, I’m just wondering for curiosity’s sake whether he can physically stop writing or not…

Yumi and the Nightmare Painter by Brandon Sanderson

Yumi and the Nightmare Painter

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I am a Brando Sando fan, his writing and his works have the ability to take me away from a world that can, and does, suck and give just a little bit of hope back into the world. And this book specifically seemed to do that for me.

I will say that while I am a prolific reader, there are books that will just reach out and wring emotion from my heart! And the ending of this book did that for me, I was actually crying at the end of this story and my husband was a little worried for me. It’s rare for him to see me cry at a book. Not that rare for me to cry, I am a big cry baby, but when a book can set off the waterworks, that’s impressive. There was just something about Yumi and Painter that pulled at my heart. There are liars revealed before the start of the story that drastically affect the story. There is is an isekai-ed priestess stuck in a time-loop in her world and stuck trying to figure out this new world during the…night? day? Painter’s world is weird. Always dark and neon but lovely in the fact that it’s always dark and neon. And all throughout this, you have two of the most different characters in the world trying to figure out how to work together and get their lives back under control and within their grasp again. And BOTH think they know the best way to interact with each other’s worlds, the whole “you’ve been here too long, let me show you how it’s done,” when it comes to learning. You just want to kind of take each by the shoulder and shake some sense into them, but you know that both are also a little bit right about how to interact with their new worlds.

It’s only when they start to figure out that their world, their lives, may intersect in more ways than one that they start to figure out what happened to them and how to fix it, and possibly fix their worlds as well. This book…this book had me in a vise grip and refused to let go. And I mean that truly, when I finished, I literally didn’t let go of this book for a few minutes, just bawling my eyes out. Richard was CONCERNED to say the least. But when I tried to explain this book, he kind of got it, or at least kind of understood why I was gripping a book like it was my lifeline while sitting on the couch. And Yes, I understand that I sound dramatic right now, but that’s how it felt. What books take you by the heartstrings and don’t let go until you’re weeping? Or any other strong emotion?


A girl who loves to read and is working as a librarian. Recommend your books to read to me!

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