Posted in book reviews, comic books/graphic novels, reading

Tiny Navajo Reads: The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Vol. 1

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Vol. 1 by Alan Moore, illustrated by Kevin O’Neill

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*Published 2011 by Vertigo Comics*

I had actually seen the movie with Sean Connery first, because I honestly didn’t know there was a comic of it. I liked the movie well enough, so I finally sought out the comic to see how it compared. It was interesting, and not quite what I expected.

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Vol. 1 by Alan Moore, illustrated by Keven O’Neill

“A sharp-witted gloss on the scientific and sexual obsessions of Victorian society.”—TIME

London, 1898. The Victorian Era draws to a close and the twentieth century approaches. It is a time of great change and an age of stagnation, a period of chaste order and ignoble chaos. It is an era in need of champions.

In this amazingly imaginative tale, literary figures from throughout time and various bodies of work are brought together to face any and all threats to Britain. Allan Quatermain, Mina Murray, Captain Nemo, Dr. Henry Jekyll and Edward Hyde and Hawley Griffin, the Invisible Man, form a remarkable legion of intellectual aptitude and physical prowess: The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.

I do like that this comic goes a bit more in depth to the threat that the League is trying to combat and figure out what is going on. I also liked that there were only a few members, rather than the whole rag-tag team the movie did. Though I will say that brought out some interesting characters for the movie. My favourite character was Mina, but I think that’s only because she was the eyes for us as the readers, we saw nearly everything about this story through her eyes. This lead me to leaning a little more in her favour when it came to responding to certain situations as well as getting irritated with the other characters when she did as well.

While this was a good comic overall, I’m not sure that I liked it as much as the movie, though that might be nostalgia clouding my memories as I watched this in college with friends. But I may just need to keep reading this comic series and it may get better. What movies have you watched, based on comics, where you liked the movie better? What lead you to watching the movie first? Comment below and let me know!

Posted in book reviews, comic books/graphic novels, reading, writing

Tiny Navajo Reads: Sleepless, Vol. 1 & Vol. 2

Sleepless, Vol. 1 & Vol. 2 by Sarah Vaughn, illustrated by Leila del Duca

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*Published July 10, 2018 by Image Comics and March 19, 2019 by Image Comics*

I saw this comic series floating over on Tumblr and it looked and sounded intriguing so I put it on hold and finally read it! I will say that I highly enjoyed it!

Sleepless Vol. 1

Lady “Poppy” Pyppenia is guarded by the Sleepless Knight Cyrenic, but becomes endangered when an assassin threatens her life in the new king’s reign. As Poppy and Cyrenic try to discover who wants her dead, they must navigate the dangerous waters of life at court, and of their growing feelings for one another.

Sleepless Vol. 2

Nearly a year later in the court of Harbeny, Lady Poppy and Sir Cyrenic must forge ahead without each other. Cyrenic adjusts to life after being released from the Sleepless Vow. And though Poppy has allies old and new, she buckles under the pressure to marry Lord Helder. The future looks bleak, but both Poppy and Cyrenic are fighters. Either they will claw their way out of the darkness, or take as many enemies with them as they can. This second volume of SLEEPLESS concludes the story of Poppy and Cyrenic.

I love the world that was set up in Sleepless, a world where a oath and a potion can keep people awake for all time. Being very honest, that is the best part of this world, and one of the most interesting parts of the world. A world where you can have a guard that will never fall asleep, that will always stay awake and keep you safe. There is the problem of this eventually driving people crazy, but it seems to be a small percentage of the those who take the potion and oath.

For Poppy and Cyrenic though, they have been connected this way for over three years. Three years Cyrenic has been awake and guarding Poppy, keeping her safe after she was nearly assassinated before Cyrenic took his oath. The three years are starting to show their toll on Cyrenic though, as he is starting to “drift,” a condition the Sleepless have where they start to have waking dreams because they cannot sleep. This combined with the fact that someone is trying to kill Poppy once again, things start to unravel.

It all comes to a head when Poppy’s uncle wishes her to marry his nephew in order to secure an alliance and bring legitimacy to her place in the family and his ruling of the kingdom. As Poppy and Cyrenic struggle to find a way out, not only to keep Poppy safe, but to try and explore their feelings for one another that are not longer just guard and guarded, but possibly romantic, they find that there is more going on than either thought.

I love this series and I love that there is a POC princess and she is not disfavoured because of her skin tone (as much as I could tell), but because she wasn’t necessarily considered legitimate in her father’s country. I loved that there was a world where you could take a potion and swear and oath and then no longer sleep. There are side affects and consequences to be sure, but the Sleepless would be a good guard. There are also the usual political intrigue as well as distrust that goes on in court. I do love that Poppy and her uncle’s niece actually become friends throughout the series, they don’t alway snipe at each other and strive to cause grief. Poppy truly wants to be only her friend and has no desire to take the throne from her succession. It shows that two girls, who happen to be royalty can truly be friends, not matter what other forms of media say. Love it!

I also loved Cyrenic and Poppy’s interactions. They are cute, they speak to how long they have been connected and it speaks to the trust the former king had in this knight to protect his daughter, swearing his oath to her, rather than to him and the guard and having him be part of a rotating guard for Poppy. There is a trust there that isn’t really seen anywhere else, and you can feel it! Love this series and would love to read more comics in this vein.

Posted in book reviews, comic books/graphic novels, goodreads, reading

Tiny Navajo Reads: Skyward, Vol. 3

Skyward, Vol. 3: Fix the World by Joe Henderson

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*Published August 27, 2019*

skyward vol. 3The last in the Skyward series, we see what happens when the Willa is able to figure out all that her father wanted her to know and what it means for everyone else in the world. As Willa makes her way to Kansas City, she learns a little more than she planned on.

Willa’s faced terrifying storms, giant man-eating bugs, a deadly rebellion and a whole lot of heartbreak but nothing can prepare her for this. It’s time for Willa to fulfill her father’s last request. Time to fix the world. But a revelation will rock Willa to her core and test her in ways she never imagined possible.

SKYWARD VOL. 3 collects issues 11-15 of the hit ongoing series from writer JOE HENDERSON (showrunner of Netflix’s LUCIFER) and artist LEE GARBETT (LUCIFER, LOKI: AGENT OF ASGARD).

I do believe that my review over on Goodreads sums up this last volume really well.

Okay, this series was really good, but it felt like it ended far to quickly and far to easily. I love that Willa figures out what her father wanted her to find in Kansas City, I love that Willa was able to figure out how to save Chicago from the farmers that were coming to take over it. And while I truly love all of these features, everything was really rushed in the fast chapters of this series. So, while an excellent series, the ending wasn’t as satisfying as I thought it could be.

The only thing that I would end is that I truly wished we could have explored the ideas of the Earth losing gravity and what that actually meant for the people and the animals of the world. We got some idea of what it meant for the people in Chicago, and it was somewhat terrifying but also something I would like to experience. Granted, giant bugs are not my forte, but I’d just say in the city. But I would like to see more of the world this story is a part of. What does it mean for the Earth to lose the majority of its gravity?


Posted in book reviews, comic books/graphic novels, goodreads, reading

Tiny Navajo Reads: Skyward, Vol. 2

Skyward, Vol. 2: Here There Be Dragonflies by Joe Henderson

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*Published March 5, 2019*

skyward vol. 2This second volume of Skyward picks up just about right where we left off, with Willa now trying to make her way out of Chicago to try and make her way to Kansas City. Hopefully.

Now a fugitive, Willa leaves Chicago and goes on the run! But when she takes refuge with some low-G farmers, she stumbles into a plot to attack the city. Oh, and on top of all that: giant, man-eating bugs! Maybe we should have led with that.

SKYWARD VOL. 2 collects issues 6-10 of the hit ongoing series from writer JOE HENDERSON (showrunner of Fox’s LUCIFER) and artist LEE GARBETT (LUCIFER, LOKI: AGENT OF ASGARD).

Okayokayokay….giant insects!!! It makes sense, but giant insects that wish to eat me! Nopenopenope, get me out of here; I no longer wish to be a part of this world, I resign.

Okay, granted, I don’t think giant insects will ever come back, at least if the gravity doesn’t turn off here on earth, but if it does, I will be staying in the city, I will not be venturing outside of it for any reason. Unfortunately for Willa, she doesn’t have a choice. If she wants to restore gravity to the way it was, then she needs to make her way out of Chicago and try to figure out where it is her father wanted her to go. On her way to wherever she is supposed to be going, the trains stop. The trains aren’t supposed to stop and for good reason. Something which Willa and Edison find out once the doors are pushed open to see if people can figure out how to get the train moving again. INSECTS!!!! Flippin’ giant INSECTS!!!! (as you can probably tell, I have a thing for bugs that are not in their proper realm of tiny and not in my house…)

But it’s here that Willa, and we as her audience, find out more about how the cities are being kept alive now that there are giant insects roaming around the world outside of cities, and how much the cities are and have been relying on farms outside of their skyscraper realms. Only this seems far worse to me as the farms were left on their own to defend against the giant insects, something that no one in the cities really know about due to the isolation that the lessened gravity seems to have naturally enforced.

At the giant farms, a revolution seems to be brewing and it starts with taking back Chicago. By attacking Chicago with said giant bugs. Willa, being the woman that she is, decides that she can’t condone this, nor let it happen, so she does what she can in order to stop it. It convince those that live there that those in the city don’t know what’s going on out there and that there is a different way to go about this.

What I will say about this volume though is that the story seemed a bit more rushed in this volume, like things were moving far to fast to make any logical sense. Not that this is always a bad thing, but there was too much happening for it to be going in the direction it seemed to want you to think it was going. Other than the odd pacing issue, which  may be more my fault that anything, this volume is wonderfully action-packed and I do kind of wish to visit this world where gravity is low enough to fly. Though I could do without the giant bugs. Please no giant bugs!

What aspects of alternative worlds do you enjoy? What do you wish you could experience? Comment below and let me know!

Posted in book reviews, comic books/graphic novels, goodreads, reading

Tiny Navajo Reads: Animosity, Vol. 4

Animosity, Vol. 4: The Walled City by Marguerite Bennett, illustrated by Rafael de Latorre

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*Published April 16, 2019*

animosity vol. 4Oh…this one went dark. This volume went to a very dark place and it was a bit unnerving to read, but it does show how much humanity is animalistic.

Betrayal! Jesse is kidnapped by a traitor she trusted and loved. Sandor follows the bloody trail to the dreaded Walled City, where the remains of human civilization reign in terrible power–and attempt to rebuild the world for humans only. With the hideous truth of the Walled City revealed, Sandor must use every ounce of cunning to rescue Jesse from her human captors–before the try to “save the world” from the risen Animals…

I think what a lot of this series is showing is that there is always going to be good and bad within the world, and it will depend on what side you are on what you do or how you are perceived. In this one, a colony called the Walled City is thought to be a heaven on earth, especially for the women of the world, but when Kyle brings Jessie there, it’s shown that this is no heaven on earth. As one woman tries to bring back human society, through cruelty and violence both to humans and animals, Jessie shows the girls of the commune that there is a different way to live, even if it means leaving the safety of the walls.

What does it mean to have humanity? How do you show said humanity?

Posted in book reviews, comic books/graphic novels, goodreads, reading

Tiny Navajo Reads: Beasts of Burden Vol. 1

Beasts of Burden Vol. 1: Animal Rites by Evan Dorkin

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*Published May 22, 2018*

beasts of burden vol. 1This is the first volume of Beasts of Burden, I had read the second volume towards the end of 2019. I had only realized that after I had finished reading the second volume. But I love it!

This six-time Eisner Award-winning comic book series blending fantasy and humor features the adventures of paranormal pets investigating the horrors of their suburban community.

This volume collects the comic-book series Beasts of Burden issues #1-4, the short stories from the Dark Horse Book of Hauntings, the Dark Horse Book of Witchcraft, the Dark Horse Book of the Dead, and the Dark Horse Book of Monsters, “Stray,” “Unfamiliar,” “Let Sleeping Dogs Lie,” and “A Dog and His Boy,” published by Dark Horse Comics.

Black magic, demonic frogs, and zombie roadkill are just a few of the problems plaguing this seemingly sleepy little town. Beneath the quiet streets a rat cabal plots vengeance, while in the local cemetery the dead leave their graves. With the human residents unaware of the supernatural danger, it’s up to a determined crew of dogs (and one cat) to keep their community safe. Lives will be lost, and bonds forged as the beasts of Burden Hill battle against an unknown evil rooted within their town.

Award-winning comics creators Evan Dorkin (Milk & Cheese) and Jill Thompson (Scary Godmother) come together to share the lives of some unlikely heroes.

“For pet lovers and enthusiasts of supernatural mysteries, the series is an absolute must. . . The surprise factor within this series is not the suspense or horror, but rather the emotional resonance that the writing and illustrations create. . . Beasts of Burden is one of the comic book highlights of 2009.”–USA Today

If you love magic, animals, and slice of life then this is a comic series that you should check out. It’s wonderful, beautiful, and I love seeing just how much animals can sense and see that just passes the eyes of humans. As we see what exactly is going on in Burden Hill, we see how much these dogs (and one cat) seek to do in order to protect their home. They want all the weirdness to stop popping up, but when it does, they go and investigate and take care of whatever is disturbing their home.

I love this series, and I do want to buy this series next. I’m loving reading comics and they are quick reads, but they seem to be more my style right now, especially with the world having seemingly imploded in this weirdness that is 2020. So, if you love animals and magic, check out Beasts of Burden and check out my review for volume 2!

Posted in book reviews, comic books/graphic novels, goodreads, reading

Tiny Navajo Reads: Beasts of Burden: Neighborhood Watch

Beasts of Burden: Neighborhood Watch by Evan Dorkin and Sarah Dyer, illustrated by Mike Mignola, Jill Thompson, and Benjamin Dewey

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*Published October 1, 2019*

beasts of burden neighborhood watchI saw a small comic from this series online, and as soon as I saw it, I knew that I needed to read the rest of the comics. So, I ordered this book from my library and I’m so glad that I did!

This eight-time Eisner Award-winning comic book series blending fantasy and humor features the adventures of paranormal pets investigating the monsters of Burden Hill.

The dogs and cats protecting Burden Hill from supernatural harm find themselves facing new threats and mysteries, including a vengeful demon, an invisible killer and an enigmatic flock of lost sheep. As a growing evil threatens to overwhelm their town, the animals find themselves some unlikely allies, most notably a seasoned paranormal investigator named…Hellboy.

This volume collects the comic-book series Beasts of Burden: Sacrifice, Beasts of Burden: Neighborhood Watch, Beasts of Burden: Hunters and Gatherers, Beasts of Burden: What the Cat Dragged In, and Beasts of Burden: The Presence of Others #1 and #2.

Now…when I write this review, please remember that I read at the end of November of last year, and I don’t remember much anything I read then other than I really liked it. I know that there are supernatural entities that live around Burden Hill, an area where cats and dogs are tasked with protecting. I know that there is magic and the cat familiars of a destroyed coven of witches knows how to use said magic. And I know that there are dogs that can truly see the supernatural world for what it is.

All of these elements, while they seem disparate, once they come together, Beasts of Burden hill is fantastic and was one of the coolest comics that I read last year. It is definitely one that I hope to keep reading and I hope to find out more about these amazing animals.

What are some different types of comics that you’ve read recently? What stood out about them to you as compared to others? Comment below and let me know!

Posted in book reviews, comic books/graphic novels, goodreads, reading

Tiny Navajo Reads: Animosity, Vol. 2

Animosity, Vol. 2: The Dragon by Marguerite Bennett

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*Published October 17, 2017*

animosity vol 2This picks up where we left off in the previous volume, Jesse and Sandor and now some new companions seeking to get Jesse across this new version of the United States to where her estranged half-brother is living in working in San Francisco.

One day, for no reason, the Animals woke up. They started thinking. They started talking. They started taking REVENGE. The world is plunged into chaos as the newly-intelligent Animals fight humanity, and simply fight each other, for their own life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. In the midst of the turmoil is Jesse, an 11-year-old girl, and her dog, Sandor, who is devoted to her and her protection. Collecting issues 5-8 issues of the best-selling series, plus the special one-shot issue THE WORLD OF ANIMOSITY.

In this volume, we see Jesse and Sandor continue making their way across the country. As they do so with those they rescued from the previous volume, they start to hear rumours of a fire-breathing dragon. Not only does this lead to members of their group being snatched, but to thoughts of what it means now that animals have sentience.

I will admit that what I truly love about this volume is that it dives deep into questions like, does sentience equal a soul? Does a sentient animal killing a sentient animal equal murder, even if the killing is done for food? What does all of this mean now? There are no easy answers and the discussions that come about within the group are not giving easy answers either. This is what I think is most interesting about this volume, is that it tries to invoke a thought process within its readers about what if this does happen to us? Or, heaven forbid, we figure out that animals are sentient, we just can’t understand them? What will happen next?

This has been a very interesting series thus far, and while I didn’t talk about the dragon, once you read it, I think you’ll understand why. It’s far and away one of my favourite reveals and it’s one that can make you think. Think long and hard about what it means to be human.

What do you think makes you human? Why does it make you human? Comment below and let me know! And just so you know, as this is Thanksgiving week, I will not be posting on Thanksgiving, but you can expect a post on Friday. Enjoy your turkey and mashed potatoes everyone!

Posted in book reviews, comic books/graphic novels, goodreads, reading

Tiny Navajo Reads: Faith: Dreamside

Faith: Dreamside (Faith #6) by Jody Houser

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*Published March 12, 2019*

dreamsideThis had been sitting on my TBR list at home for a LONG while now and I just got around to reading it about two months ago, actually on the day that I found out I got my full time job. YAY! Good memories with it!

Even before Faith Herbert, AKA Zephyr, gained the power of flight, joined the Harbinger Renegades, and soared through the skies of the Valiant Universe, deep down she was always a hero at heart. But what’s a hero to do in the face of a foe that exists only in nightmares? Face them head-on, of course! To protect the dreams of her teammate, Animalia, Faith must venture into a fantastical new realm the likes of which we’ve never seen…and she’ll need some help from the world’s premiere parapsychologist, Doctor Mirage, to make it back with her subconscious mind still intact! Uncover the secrets of the Dreamside as writer extraordinaire Jody Houser (FAITH, Stranger Things) and rising star MJ Kim (FAITH’S WINTER WONDERLAND SPECIAL #1) continue the adventures of the high-flying icon that Uproxx calls ‘A joy to read!’ Collecting FAITH: DREAMSIDE #1-4.

I love Faith so much and how much she wants to help others. In this one, we see Faith risk herself to help a girl who is being haunted by her friends who have died. She goes to another hero/parapsychologist, Doctor Mirage, who can help Animalia and Faith figure out what’s going on.

Faith has become one of my favourite superheros, just for how much she loves and connects with those who she protects and saves because she is a loving and compassionate person. It’s the best part of her and what makes her an amazing superhero! You can look at some of my previous interviews to see how much I gush about Faith in general.

Comment below and let me know!

Posted in book reviews, comic books/graphic novels, goodreads, reading

Tiny Navajo Reads: Faith, Vol. 3

Faith, Vol. 3: Superstar by Jody Houser

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*Published May 10, 2017*

faith volI love Faith! I love her so much! She’s just an amazing character!!!

Fight and Flight!
As Los Angeles’ high-flying protector, Faith as inspired the dreams of an entire metropolis… Now get ready to meet its worst nightmare When an escaped psiot prisoner starts tearing through the streets, Faith must stop her fiery rampage before all hell breaks loose! But this isn’t just any ordinary threat… Not only can this empowered escapee drain the energy of everything in sight, she’s one of L.A.’s most controversial pop stars to boot!
Valiant’s chart-topping superhero is about to add a major new player to her frenemies list, courtesy of breakout writer Jody Houser (Mother Panic) and acclaimed artists Meghan Hetrick (Red Thorn) and Marguerite Sauvage (DC Comics Bombshells)! Plus: legendary writer Louise Simonson and Harvey Award-nominated artist Pere Pérez present history in the making as they bring together the leading female hero in comics today with the first female nominee from a major political party for a presidential milestone like no other!

In this one, we see Faith be the true superhero that she is, not through using her powers, but by using her compassion and her words. She doesn’t sacrifice what she believes in to save the ones that need her help. I love Faith, and I truly believe that you should read this comic series if only to have a new type of superhero to read about.

What do you enjoy most about a superhero? When they use their powers to save the day or their empathy? Comment below and let me know!